There is a debate that always arises in the automotive world: coolant vs water, what is better to use in your car? To tell the truth, both options have their advantages and contraindications. In fact, there is also often a question as to whether water can be mixed with coolant and how often it should be changed.

In this article, we will try to solve all the doubts in this regard. Remember that the improper use of water or coolant can damage your vehicle. Therefore, you should always choose the most appropriate option.

Can you use water as coolant or add it?

First of all, it is necessary to know that coolants are products that possess antioxidant properties. In addition, their boiling point is always higher than that of water. In this way, it helps the cooling system to work efficiently.

For this reason, you cannot use water as coolant nor add water to coolant. Only the liquid recommended by the manufacturer should be used.

Can you use water as coolant

Why do you have to do it this way? Well, basically, because the use of water in the cooling system of your car usually causes some problems. In general, small particles and residues appear and clog the system, making it impossible for fluids to pass through.

In addition, it can expose to excessive pressures and temperatures. For this reason, it is advisable to use this liquid permanently and exclusively, since that is precisely what it was manufactured for.

Coolant vs water, there is no doubt

Despite the above, it should be noted that coolant can also cause problems in the cooling system. In what situations can this happen? Well, especially if you have been using water in your car for a long time.

Can you add water to coolant

To be on the safe side, you can consult the vehicle’s technical data sheet. Generally, this manual lists the recommended coolant to use in your car.

The reason is that this compound, which can clean the ducts through which it passes, can also dislodge rust fragments from metal parts in vehicles that previously used water. Subsequently, this obstructs the passage or breaks soft elements in the engine, such as its hoses.

In summary, if you hesitate between coolant vs water, the second option is the ideal one, although first consult your vehicle’s manual.

American Petroleum offers different types of coolants as part of our selection of specialty lubricants. We have a variety of packages to fit your company’s needs. Do not forget to contact us for a quote and more information if needed.