With the imminent arrival of hurricane season, it is essential that we anticipate and take proactive measures to ensure your safety, well-being and that of your company. Faced with the possibility of adverse meteorological phenomena, we share with you three strategies that will allow you to be fully prepared during this period:

1. Subscribe to our SMS message service for important reminders

We understand that the fast pace of everyday life can make it difficult to retain important details, especially when it comes to your personal safety and disaster preparedness. Therefore, we invite you to subscribe to our SMS messaging service.

Through this platform, you will receive periodic reminders throughout the hurricane season, ensuring that you keep your generator in optimal condition, have the necessary fuel supply and are properly prepared for any eventuality that may arise. This tool will allow you to be informed at all times, leaving no room for improvisation!

Subscripción American Petroleum

2. Send a WhatsApp message to simplify the preparation process

Instant and effective communication plays a crucial role in times of crisis. Therefore, we have implemented an efficient solution to facilitate your preparedness process: send a message via WhatsApp to the number 787-600-9141 with the word PREPARACION.

Our customer service team will contact you to update your information and provide detailed guidance on the steps to follow to ensure your proper preparation. From practical recommendations to specific information about our services.

At American Petroleum we are committed to assisting you every step of the way.

3. Place strategic orders for effective planning

Imagine being able to prepare in advance and ensure you have everything you need just in time. When you hear that a hurricane is approaching, we suggest you place an order with us to receive the product a day or two after the hurricane is expected to hit.

Cómo hacer un pedido de combustible en temporada de huracanes

Best of all, if you end up not needing those supplies, you can always cancel the order at least 24 hours in advance. That way you won’t have to worry about long waits or wasting resources. With this trick, you’ll be ready to face the storm with peace of mind and confidence.

In any case, you will also want to know how to ensure priority fuel delivery in an emergency.

In short, proper preparation is a cornerstone of a successful hurricane season. From equipment maintenance to efficient supply and product management, these three strategies will help you be prepared to face any situation with confidence and security.

For more information, learn about all of our emergency management services – leave nothing to chance and be prepared to face this season!